
Travel Tipps for Woman solo Traveller


Solo, woman Traveller, Worldtrip, Mountains, Backbag

No matter where i go by myslef, on a tiny swiss mountain, or in lonely desert far away, people, get always astonished if not even shocked, to learn i do these trips often by myself.

Why is that so? On one hand, doing things by one selves, society still thinks is a stigma, meaning if you do so, you must have no friends and being lonely.

I think people who are able to travel solo, they know themselves much better than the others. But no judgements from my side, i actually only wanted to deliver some tipps for solo traveling woman.


- choose a country you feel safe

- inform yourself about weather and altern condiditions if you go hiking

- inform somebody where you are and what you planing to do (f.ex at Visitor Center or SAC Hut)

- inform yourself about local customs and dress comfortable but appropriate

- depending on the country and season, book accommodation in advance

- book group tour once in a while, its fun and easier to meet other people

- keep your smartphone charged

- keep control in any situation, no matter if partying, sharing a taxi or whatever you're up to

- indulge yourself :) treat yourself with a massage, a superb dinner, or what you feel like

- do your research in advance, be informed about the place you'll be visiting


- loosing control. Don't get too drunk, take care of your Drink

- follow people who promise you to show you something ;)

- walk around alone in dark alleys and lonely areas

- beeing too friendly! In some cultures, woman don't smile at men, while in Europe this is polite. It can be taken very wrong if one does so in certain countries.

- don't walk home alone at night, book a taxi or ask your hotel for a shuttle

- taking drugs: apart that its illegal and persecuted in most countries, you are more vulnerable than sober. And yet, you might know the stuff your personal Dealer offers at home, but not on a foreign place with strangers. Just don't.

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:
Andrea Mäusli

Fotos: Daniel Aeschlimann, Nora dal Cero, Olivier Remualdo, Jonas Kuhn, Andrea Mäusli

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