
A Day in New Orleans


Beautiful greenish vintage Oldtimer Car in front of blue wooden House

First advice of all: if you don't have one yet -get a car. Like any city in this country, distances are big and you walk for days to come from one spot to the next. And, cubic transport isn't that accessible than on other continents...

Anyway, if your location is near French Quarter or within, there's still much to explore by walking.

Explore those streets in the morning, when tourists still are sleeping, stroll through the alleys along the old spanish houses, along the river Missisipi and its beautiful nostalgic Steamboats.

Bourbon Street is of course the most famous Street of this City, but it has become a bit whacky. So if you are not after Voodoo Dolls from China, i recommend you Royal Street or Chratress Street where you find vintage Furniture, Clothes and other Trouvailles.

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A Night out in New Orleans


Sunset over Mississippi River in New Orleans

Many things are said and written about this City at the Edge between Mississippi, Swamp and the Ocean. After my last visit I believe, its all true. Even famous Bourbon Street which is nowadays hard to endure, you find still corners or moments who proof the unique magic of that place. The moment you hear a whole Brass Band starting their walk through the Alleys, or, my recommendation: a night at

" The Preservation Hall".

PReserveton Hall before Muscicians come to the stage

The place is nota Hall at all, rather a Barn. You need to buy your tickets in advance for a slot, but its worth it. The room its small, sticky and hot but its also a very distinguished location where people with a true passion and sincerity do what the love.

People standing in front of a Blues Shack at Night

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:
Andrea Mäusli

Fotos: Daniel Aeschlimann, Nora dal Cero, Olivier Remualdo, Jonas Kuhn, Andrea Mäusli

Logo und Webdesign: Janine Tanner,

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