
Les Salines d'Aigues Mortes

Salzberg, Salines, Landscape, Sunset, beauty

The largest Salines in the region are located next to Aigues Mortes and can be visited on a guided tour. i felt like a kid while beeing transporter in this little "Disneyland" Train around the area. But the advantage is, you don't have to walk :)

As the salt is destined for the table, the highest level of hygiene is observed. Unlike humans, the pretty flamingos are allowed to wade and fish in the waters and look quite photogenic while doing so. By the way, the birds get their pink colour from the tiny shrimps they fish out of the ponds.

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:
Andrea Mäusli

Fotos: Daniel Aeschlimann, Nora dal Cero, Olivier Remualdo, Jonas Kuhn, Andrea Mäusli

Logo und Webdesign: Janine Tanner,

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