
Le Grau de Roi and Plage d'Espiguette

Beach, Nature, Plage d'Espiguette, Seaside

Beach first ;) this endless wild and rough beach is one of the most beautiful in the South. Regardless of wether its summer, autumn, rainy or sunny, watching the clouds chasing over the endless sky is a wonderful experience. Even in summer its hardly ever crowded, if you walk a few meters. Must see, in this region.

The next city, Le Grau du roi, has a wonderful food market and an impressive aquarium.

Fougasse, Market, food

Parc ornithologique du Pont de Gau

Even if you don't like Birds, give it a go. You can choose between different walks, up to 2 hours. i've chosen the shortest version due to a bunch of very euphoric mosquitos (bring repellent) and temperature close to my sauna. BUT the elegant flamingos ignoring you while fishing, flirting or just looking pretty are invaluable.

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:
Andrea Mäusli

Fotos: Daniel Aeschlimann, Nora dal Cero, Olivier Remualdo, Jonas Kuhn, Andrea Mäusli

Logo und Webdesign: Janine Tanner,

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